A few last minute tickets are available
Please contact us on the email below to organise purpaching your ticket!
Please include your phone number so we can contact you ASAP. First in, first served, so hurry and email us today if you’d like to be apart of the retreat NEXT WEEKEND (26-28th April. Two ticket types are available, Linen for $237 and non linen for $199, unfortunately we cannot offer payment plans anymore.

"The feeling of having shared in a common peril is one element in the powerful cement which binds us......The tremendous fact for every one of us is that we have discovered a common solution."
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous p17
Unity, Service, Recovery

12 Steps Refresh & Revive
Amazing speakers on the 12 steps
Fire Side Connections
Unifying Women, connect and form life-long friendships
Carry the message of recovery
In Service to Others
"My experience at the GC Woman's AA Retreat has had an everlasting impact on my recovery. I felt seen, held, loved and supported throughout the entire weekend. The spirit of AA flows through the entire event with experienced and inspirational speakers sharing their experience, strength and hope with us all, as well as guided meditations each morning. The incredible surrounds offer space to those who need a moment to themselves. I absolutely recommend attending the retreat at least once, no matter where one is at in their recovery; here you will find the Fellowship of the spirit."
​"I went to the Gold Coast Woman's retreat for the first time last year (2023). When I arrived I felt I was home; an overwhelming feeling of being apart of something really special."
“I went to the woman's retreat last year (2023), I was so nervous as it was going to be the first time being sober with a massive group of woman, or people in general. All my nerves melted away as soon as I arrived. It was the most supported and kind environment I had ever been in. This year I knew I had to be apart of it again. Woman supporting woman on the journey of recovery.”